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New Developments in European State Aid Law 2006 Buch

Proceedings of the 4th Experts' Forum held in Brussels on 18 and 19 May 2006

94 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-93623-282-0, engl., Taschenbuch, 2006

38,00 *)

*) inklusive MwSt. für Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, Lieferzeiten

New Developments in European State Aid Law 2006 Proceedings of the 4th Experts' Forum held in Brussels on 18 and 19 May 2006

Environmental Policy Instruments in Liberalized Energy Markets Buch

Proceedings of the Summer Academy 'Energy and the Environment' Greifswald, 5-17 July 2004

Herausgeber: Rodi, Michael

300 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-93623-258-5, engl., Taschenbuch, 2006

27,80 *)

*) inklusive MwSt. für Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, Lieferzeiten

Starting from an international, interdisciplinary and integrative perspective, the Summer Academy “Energy and the Environment” aims at elaborating and discussing different approaches to a sustainable supply of energy. Aside from traditional themes of environmental policy, such as the conservation of natural resources and a sectoral focus, attention is increasingly converging on the prevention of g...

State Aid Uncovered - Critical Analysis of Developments in State Aid 2014 Buch

Nicolaides, Phedon

291 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-86965-270-2, engl., Taschenbuch, 2015

19,95 *)

*) inklusive MwSt. für Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, Lieferzeiten

State aid law – A constantly evolving field that continued to be marked by new interpretations and applications in 2014. In this accessible and topical compilation, Phedon Nicolaides casts an critical eye on State aid rules and judgments from 2014. The book represents the first annual review of legal and policy developments of the preceding year and is made up of articles originally published on a...

State Aid Uncovered Buch

Critical Analysis of Developments in State Aid 2015

Nicolaides, Phedon

304 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-86965-028-9, engl., Taschenbuch, 2016

24,95 *)

*) inklusive MwSt. für Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, Lieferzeiten

This third volume of State Aid Uncovered reviews the main developments in the field of State aid in 2015. The past 12 months have been full of surprising twists and turns in the evolution of the concept of State aid. EU courts have ruled on issues such as public pronouncements and State resources, while the Commission has tackled tax advantages for multinational companies and has given us new pers...

State Aid Uncovered Buch

Critical Analysis of Developments in State Aid 2016

Nicolaides, Phedon

296 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-86965-301-3, engl., Taschenbuch, 2017

24,95 *)

*) inklusive MwSt. für Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, Lieferzeiten

This fourth volume of State Aid Uncovered reviews the main developments in the field of State aid in 2016. The past 12 months have been full of surprising twists and turns in the evolution of the concept of State aid and in the conditions under which aid is compatible with the internal market. The Commission has published its much awaited Notice on the Notion of State aid and announced a major new...

Food Online Buch

PhD thesis on food legal and civil law requirements for digital contracts regarding food purchases by consumers in the Netherlands

Herausgeber: van der Veer, Lomme

162 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-86965-310-5, engl., Taschenbuch, 2017

32,00 *)

*) inklusive MwSt. für Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, Lieferzeiten

In this thesis the research focuses on the legal rules and regulations in the Netherlands that apply in the context of food purchases by consumers that are concluded online. Sale of food via the Internet takes place in the area of Civil Code requirements on distance selling and public law requirements on food labelling. In four research Chapters (chapters 2-5) the relevant topics are addressed....

State Aid Uncovered Buch

Critical Analysis of Developments in State Aid 2017

Nicolaides, Phedon

324 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-86965-324-2, engl., Taschenbuch, 2018

28,00 *)

*) inklusive MwSt. für Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, Lieferzeiten

This fifth volume of State Aid Uncovered reviews the main developments in the field of State aid in 2017. Another year full of surprising twists and turns in the evolution of the concept of State aid has gone by, closely monitored by Phedon Nicolaides, Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges and the University of Maastricht, as well as Academic Director at Lexxion Training. How will the UK’s...

Milestones in State Aid Case Law Buch

EStAL’s First 15 Years in Perspective

Buts, Caroline; José Luis, Buendía Sierra

784 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-86965-312-9, engl., Taschenbuch, 2017

128,00 *)

*) inklusive MwSt. für Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, Lieferzeiten

This edited volume celebrates the 15th anniversary of the European State Aid Law Quarterly. For this occasion, we offer an overview of the most cited State aid judgements and discuss their importance. When available, the original annotation (published in the European State Aid Law Quarterly) is provided as well as a current reflection. The re-annotations and articles focus on the meaning of the ju...

State Aid Uncovered Buch

Critical Analysis of Developments in State Aid 2021

Nicolaides, Phedon

364 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-86965-384-6, engl., Taschenbuch, 2022

48,00 *)

*) inklusive MwSt. für Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, Lieferzeiten

State Aid Uncovered, now in its ninth edition, presents analysis of the main policy and legal developments in the fi eld of State aid in 2021. Several hundred State aid measures were approved by the European Commission to combat COVID-19 on the basis of the Temporary Framework that was adopted in March 2020 and at the end of 2021 it was revised for a sixth time. The year was also rich in case law...