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Active filters: Type of publication: paperback | Publication Year: 2008 |

REACH Consortia Model Agreements book

And other Forms of Data Sharing according to REACH

Holleben, Horst von; Scheidmann, Hartmut; Rosenfeld, Andreas

172 Pages, ISBN 978-3-93980-442-0, engl., Paperback, 2008

39,80 *)

*) incl. German VAT, plus Shipping Costs, Delivery Time

The REACH Regulation requires data sharing amongst registrants of the same substance in order to avoid unnecessary testing – in particular animal testing – and to minimise costs for industry and authorities. Existing test data should be jointly used, new tests should be carried out only one time on behalf of all registrants. The legally required cooperation of competitors does not work without rul...

Between Theory and Practice : Putting Climate Policy to work book

Vol.1 of the proceedings of the Summer Academy 'Energy and the Environment' Greifswald, 16-29 July 2006

Editor(s): Rodi, Michael

143 Pages, ISBN 978-3-93980-436-9, engl., Paperback, 2008

36,00 *)

*) incl. German VAT, plus Shipping Costs, Delivery Time

This volume closely reflects the international, interdisciplinary and integrative conception of the Summer Academy "Energy and the Environment". In the third year of its existence, participants contributed a remarkable number of excellent contributions, necessitating publication in two separate volumes. The first part of this present volume explores challenges currently faced under the flexibility...

International European Environmental Law with Reference to German Environmental Law book

A Guide for International Study Programs

Knopp, Lothar

90 Pages, ISBN 978-3-93980-439-0, engl., Paperback, 2008

19,80 *)

*) incl. German VAT, plus Shipping Costs, Delivery Time

This guide has been conceived as a companion to students of international study programs, who are required to take courses in environmental law, to help them navigate their way through the subject matter, especially in the area of international and European environmental law. The target group is not limited to students with previous legal knowledge; it especially includes those who are not law stu...

Die Gewährleistung der öffentlichen Trinkwasserversorgung durch Gewässerschutz- und Gesundheitsschutzrecht book

Paul, Anne-Christine

276 Pages, ISBN 978-3-93980-435-2, ger., Paperback, 2008

68,00 *)

*) incl. German VAT, plus Shipping Costs, Delivery Time

Die Gewinnung, die Aufbereitung und die Verteilung des Lebensmittels Trinkwasser werden überwiegend durch Vorschriften des Gewässerschutz- und Gesundheitsschutzrechts reglementiert. Flankiert wird das Wasserversorgungsrecht von zahlreichen Gesetzen zum Schutz der Wasservorkommen. In diesem Buch werden die für die öffentliche Trinkwasserversorgung einschlägigen Normen des Gewässerschutz- und Gesund...

New Developments in European State Aid Law 2007 book

Proceedings of the 5th Expert's Forum held in Brussels on 21 and 22 May 2007

77 Pages, ISBN 978-3-93980-430-7, engl., Paperback, 2008

38,00 *)

*) incl. German VAT, plus Shipping Costs, Delivery Time

New Developments in European State Aid Law 2007 Proceedings of the 5th Expert's Forum held in Brussels on 21 and 22 May 2007